This is a picture post showing some Maputo street scenes from our walk through the city.  The Botanical garden was filled with strolling bridal parties having their pictures taken.  The entry portal is an example of Manueline revival architecture. You can read a little about his in my post of Maputo Landmarks.  The young people in a group wearing suits or blue dresses are a choir.  They had wonderful African harmonies and they sang while riding around in a van.  The van let them off in front of the Botanical garden where they formed up and sang some more.  I could not attach them to any particular wedding.

Gil Vincente is Maputo’s a hot nightclub. I wish it were open during the day because according to the reviews it has the best African dance music and jazz in the city,

The men are playing a form of mancala where you move stones from hole to hole to try to capture stones and end up with the most.  It is a popular African game.  We saw it in Kenya and Suzi and I have a portable mancala board with colored glass that we play.  But the beauty of the game is that you can play it with stones and holes in the ground.  Or if you want a street game you can play checkers with bottle caps on a chalked in sidewalk.

The monument of the stone woman is in workers’ square but it is also a monument to Portuguese and African soldiers killed in World War I.  There was some fighting on Mozambique’s northern border with German East Africa.  Following that, more street scenes.


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