In January 1881, during the War of the Pacific, also known as the the Saltpeter war, or the 10 cent war (it had a lot of names), Chile occupied Lima. The war was fought over control of nitrates and a 10 cent tax that imposed by Bolivia on nitrates. Peruvian reserve troops were called up, kids, old men, firefighters and police, and they made their stand at an area that is now a park dedicated to them, Reserve Park.
Reserve Park has been home to the magic water circuit since 2007. With 13 fountains it claims to be the largest collection of fountains in the world. One fountain shoots water 80 meters (260 feet) into the air. At the magic fountain lasers project holograms on mist from the fountain creating an animated show featuring highlights from Peruvian history. The conversion of a memorial park to “fountainland” was controversial, especially the charge of an admission fee to the park. The fee goes to support the national theater and is a little over a dollar.

We went on a Sunday summer night. The fee did not seem to discourage attendance. The place was jammed and the atmosphere was festive. People watching was as much fun a fountain watching. There were amusement rides, lots of street food and kids running around having a great time. So did we.
To do the fountain justice you need to see a video. Here are two clips of different parts of the show, one is a minute one only 30 seconds.
And here is a one minute clip, for a little longer experience,
Spectacular display. Happy faces. Thanks for sharing. Linda T