Armação dos Búzios, or just Búzios was a quiet little seaside town about three hours drive from Rio. Brigitte Bardot was looking for a quiet little seaside town, so she came to Búzios. Now it is not so quiet. It is a resort town that sits on a peninsula. On one side, sandy beaches and calm water. On the other side a “bravo” beach with great surf. The town became prosperous and erected a statue of Brigitte Bardot, the benefactor of the town’s popularity.

We stopped there for a quick ‘beach break’ After Rio. We arrived at 8 AM and it was raining. I was thinking of declaring this an honorary sea day and staying on board. Then I read my friend Jo Johnstone’s blog from the world cruise running at the same time this one is. The title of her latest article “It’s Always a Good Idea To Go Ashore.” She wrote about Mauritius, which is a place where I went ashore and spent more time than expected in 2023. She convinced me.

We waited for open tender call at around 9:30 and by then the sun had come out in fits and starts (s sucker hole?) We enjoyed walking the town, watching kids netting seaweed setting it out on the sand to dry…

… and watching a sand artist build a castle.

It was a pleasant town to walk in, lots of flowers and a pretty beach to stroll along (or swim in). But I didn’t want to ride the tender back to the ship in a wet bathing suit so put on I did my swim in the pool at the back of deck 8.

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