These Boots Are Made for Running.
Sitka Sneakers! Here are some boot closeups from the 25th annual “Running of the Boots.” and a link to the main article. Continue reading These Boots Are Made for Running.
Sitka Sneakers! Here are some boot closeups from the 25th annual “Running of the Boots.” and a link to the main article. Continue reading These Boots Are Made for Running.
The last cruise ship, the Seaborne Sojourner, pulled out of old Sitka Docks this afternoon. The visitors were treated to rare late September sunshine. While a few straggling tourists will still come in on individual tours (and we are glad … Continue reading 25th Annual Running of the Boots.
Merle Haggard may feel that “Leather boots are still in style for manly footwear” but Sitkans know better. For Sitka manly, womanly and kidly footwear is the chevron soled non-slip neoprene fish oil resistant Xtra Tuff, “Sitka Sneakers.” Sitkans wear … Continue reading Fleet Footware.