I have just finished my work in Jordan.  I have completed my interviews and typed up my notes.  I will put off writing my report until after Christmas.  So now I am sitting in a hotel waiting for a taxi pickup in less than 5 hours and my thoughts are turning to Christmas, seeing my children and grandchildren, and, of course “The Battery Exchange.”  I will be on the air from 8 until 10 on Christmas Eve with stories and your calls.  If you can’t call in please go to the Battery Exchange Facebook Page and write your contribution to the program in the comments section below the first post.

In the meantime I am posting pictures of one of the Amman Christmas Markets, it is the one where I actually bought stuff, nice stuff at a good price.  It was supposed to run through Dec 25, and it may well resume but a big wind and rain storm started blowing the tents around and the market has been struck until the weather improves.  Tonight it does not look like it will for a while, and I am flying out.  but to get you in the mood for Christmas and me in the mood to shift from community radio in Jordan to Christmas on Stika’s own Community station, here are some pics from an Amman Christmas Souk that, hopefully, will reappear, weather permitting.

To see pictures of the big Amman Christmas Souk click here.

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