After refueling with gas and Drambuie (at my request) we left Auke Bay under overcast skies, which brings out the blues of the ice and water and the greens of the misty clouds that seem almost alive as they snake between mountains. John Muir called Tracy Arm “A wild unfinished Yosemite.” At the end of this fjord are the two Sawyer glaciers. The fjord is 32 miles long and only a mile wide. Along the way you can see all sorts of newly forming streams, and rock formations laid bare. This long fjord is part of the Tracy Arm/Ford’s Terror wilderness.
After visiting Tracy Arm, we traveled south to anchor in Wrangell’s outer harbor.

Not only do you excel at photographing Sitka sunsets, you also captured beautiful photos of Tracy Arm and the changing colors of the water! Marvelous scenery!