The sail out happened in afternoon daylight, giving us the views of the harbor we were denied on the sail in. Our last sail out was right at sunset, this one was a little earlier. Everyone held their breaths as the ships funnels passed under the Harbor Bridge (The Coat Hanger) but we had more than enough clearance, although from the angle we were watching it looked like a closer thing than it was.
At one point we sailed right through a regatta, a sailboat race. The pilot boat ran ahead warning boats that we were coming. The Captain kept sounding his horn. While sailboats theoretically have the right of way they are more maneuverable than an 800 foot long ship, which while pretty maneuverable with Azipods and bow thrusters still has a lot of inertia. Some of the sailboat skippers played it pretty close. They were in a race after all.