Yesterday was a magic day. Our son, Brian, came to Sitka to visit and Sitka obliged. We were watching Jamestown Bay when a pod of whales exploded from a bubble net. Then there was a beautiful sunset, but the best was yet to come. My Aurora app told me that we were having a magnetic storm. The day had been cloudy and the forecast was for more clouds and rain, but at sunset the skies opened up. I grabbed my DSLR and tripod and Suzi, Brian and I headed out to Starrigavan. For some reason my DSLR, which had taken hundreds of Aurora shots, was not working so I used the camera I had, my iPhone 13. While the pictures are grainy I was amazed at what that little phone camera could do.
We started at Starrigavan. The orange light was a boat just behind an island.

After Starrigavan we went to the ramp at the University of Alaska Southeast to look at the aurora over Sitka. It was bright enough that even the bright lights of the harbors could not dim the green glow.

Finally we drove to Silver Bay. The clouds had rolled in and, even though we were just off of a new moon without much moonlight, the clouds glowed in front of the aurora. The white clouds and the snow on the mountains gave the fjord a strange glow.

Wow. Just wow. Thanks for the pics.
Someday, with the help of a few blessings, I will get to see that live.
Thanks so much for these beautiful pictures that even a phone camera could not mess up!
Hi Rich. Could you share the name of your Aurora app?
NEVER did ‘grainy’ look so beautiful.
and I love that you are together with Bri !! Good job !!! nrd
Thank you for sharing your magical photos. Wow what a wonderful start to my morning!
Great photos. Thanks for sending. Glad to hear you made it home safely.
The app is soft serve
Always a gift to see the Northern Lights in Southeast, especially with color beyond the pale. Many thnaks for the visuals Rich. MH
Beautiful pictures as always Rich. You are fortunate, God was smiling upon you so you could have a wonderful visit with your son. Hopefully you and Suzi can relax and get well. Paul and Sue