Another Sunday in the Park, Puerto Madryn

On our drive to Gaiman we had to go through a couple of police roadblocks and check points. The driver did not like this. At one checkpoint he said the cops were looking for drugs. At one point he stopped, took his taxi sign from the car roof and put it into the trunk. We went over a rise in the hill and there was a checkpoint. He had the sign back on the car after we got into town. Because we were concerned about traffic backups at roadblocks on the way home, we decided to leave Gaiman at about 2 PM

There were no police roadblocks or control points on the way back, for which the driver was grateful, so we arrived with enough time to spend a little of it in the waterfront park on a beautiful late Sunday afternoon. There were booths set up. One woman was selling 3D printed articulated right whales which she designed on her computer. There was a mas baptism on the beach. The congregation singing and clapping as each new convert waded in the water to be immersed and reborn. Kids were kicking soccer balls. Families were having picnics and some just finding a shady spot.

There was a drum circle. It looked like a carnival group. As they were drumming three people walked right through the circle. One of the young drummers had a short attention span. He would drum, wander off, use his drumsticks on a bike, drum a little more and wander off again.

We enjoyed public art along the corniche. And on sail out we could still hear the drumming from the shore as we sailed out of the harbor.

That night on the ship the Mainstage Rep Company presented a review called Celtic Spirits. After the show we were speaking with Katie, of the dancers who joked that while close to St. Pat’s Day the show was a little early. I suggested that it was in honor of our visiting Welsh Patagonia.

“What? She didn’t know. Most people come here for their last chance to look at the penguins.

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