Category: Uncategorized

Small Town Festival (Greencastle Regatta)
We just missed the Lough Foyle Ferry from Northern Ireland to Greencastle, and so missed Greencastle’s blessing of the fleet, something I had wanted to see. It was at the maritime museum near the mariner’s memorial. But after the blessing … Continue reading Small Town Festival (Greencastle Regatta)

Jazz on the Waterfront
The first program Raven Radio produced was for the Sitka Fine Arts Camp. We produced it before Raven was even on the air. Suzi, the kids, and I moved to Sitka from Juneau in the fall of 1980 to help … Continue reading Jazz on the Waterfront

Port Louis, Mauritius
Wedged between the Indian Ocean and some impossible looking peaks, Port Louis (pronounced Louie by the locals) is Mauritius’s capital city. The town has about 150,000 residents. The Caudan waterfront, on a peninsula, is where Zuiderdam’s shuttle dropped off passengers. … Continue reading Port Louis, Mauritius

A Presbyterian Cathedral…
… sounds like an oxymoron but Glasgow Cathedral is Presbyterian. It started as Catholic, a dark early Gothic building. The first cathedral on this site was dedicated in 1136. It was destroyed in a fire in 1197 and the current … Continue reading A Presbyterian Cathedral…

S#it Happens — Re-entry
We were upgraded to first class on flight 67, Alaska Airline’s “milk run” up the coast to home. It seems like we knew every 4th person passing us getting on the plane. We had early boarding because Suzi broke her … Continue reading S#it Happens — Re-entry

San Juan Stories
Each of these pictures help illustrate a story. The cobble stones paving Old San Juan streets are a metallic blue grey. They were made from slag left over from iron production in England and were carried over as ballast in … Continue reading San Juan Stories

Kunta Kintah
The Gambia is a river and a country. It has a short coastline at the mouth of the Gambia River and follows the river, along both banks, surrounded by Senegal to the North, South and East. The Gambia River was … Continue reading Kunta Kintah

Zero — Zero
We have crossed the Equator and the Prime Meridian. We have four more ports of call, 11 more sea days, and 15 more nights on the ship. People are starting to talk about the weather at home, how to pack … Continue reading Zero — Zero

A Walk Through Cape Town
On our last day in Cape Town we set out to see some of what we had not seen on foot, well we took a cab to the starting point and another back to the V&A Waterfront but this was … Continue reading A Walk Through Cape Town

Hanging Gardens of Singapore
When traveling I’m struck by how tied together we are and always have been. Three years ago on a trip up the Amazon we learned how rubber trees were smuggled out of Brazil to Kew Gardens in London, and from … Continue reading Hanging Gardens of Singapore

Rescued by a Buggy Whip — Intramuros Manila.
The Intramuros is the “old” walled city of Manila. I put the word “old” in quotes because much of this part of the city was flattened when the Americans retook Manila from the Japanese in 1945. Some modern historians have … Continue reading Rescued by a Buggy Whip — Intramuros Manila.

Dublin Oddities
This is the last post from Dublin. It includes pictures of what I consider oddities. The Spire of Dublin is almost 400 feet tall and replaces the Nelson column that was blown up in the 1960s. To me any structure that tall without an antenna or flag is an oddity. Others include James Joyce selling free wi-fi, a literary bar and bookie joint, a 100 year old bookie (we assume), some art by Grace Gifford painted on a prison sell wall when she was incarcerated, a bar in a church, Molly Malone promoting breast cancer awareness, Insomnia Coffee, the Bram … Continue reading Dublin Oddities

Life in the Liffey, Dublin
I love rivers. We walked along and across the Liffey, took a boat tour as the tide was coming in, which meant the boat could not get under the bridge so they had to let us off downstream, and walked along the canals that feed into the river. The Convention Center where Radio Days took place was along the river. The Samuel Beckett Bridge, formed like a harp, is a striking feature of the river. The Customs House is the domed building that features in many of these pictures. Continue reading Life in the Liffey, Dublin

Dublin Sights
In an earlier post I said Dublin was a city of stories more than sights. But there are sights to see. Here are some of them I didn’t mention in my letter, like Dublin Castle, the seat of British power in Dublin before independence, Christ Church Cathedral, one of two Anglican cathedrals in Dublin, St. Stephen’s Green, The Oscar Wilde memorial in Merrion Square, some flowers for sale on Baggot Street, the General Post Office where the Irish Republic was declared and the Guinness Brewery. I also revisit Clontarf, Trinity and Trinity College. Tomorrow I will post some pictures from … Continue reading Dublin Sights

Dublin’s Georgian Doors.
My sister-in-law accused me of taking pictures of Irish knockers. Well, yes, they are in the picture, but that wasn’t the point. Gerogian buildings, with their colored doors, line Baggot St., Stephens Green and Merrion Square in Dublin. Georgian townhouse windows get smaller as they go up to their three stories to give them the illusion of greater height. The buildings started as private townhouses but now many house corporate offices. The next to the last door is Coca Cola Ireland, with its predictable color. The final door looks like it has been several colors in its life. There is … Continue reading Dublin’s Georgian Doors.

Dublin, 2014
Dublin is not about sightseeing– although there are sights to see. It is about stories. You can find stories everywhere. Often stories are wrapped in songs. As part of the “media package” that came from the radio conference we got free passes to the “hop on hop off” busses. We soon learned to get on the busses labeled “live commentary.” The recorded commentary, on 6 tracks in 6 languages, was probably more informative of dates and historical “facts,” but the stories, Dublin slang, literary references and songs from the “live commentary” made this tour sparkle. During one of those times … Continue reading Dublin, 2014

Radio Days Europe, Dublin, 2014
How could it have been better? Radio Days Europe are over. These three days are working themselves into being one of those annual celebrations that mark my calendar, in a way like the Winnipeg Folk Festival or the Sitka Festival. It’s a celebration of many things I hold close; radio, free press, good journalism, storytelling, meeting friends and, this year, Ireland. A celebration it was, but with a sober start. We all stood for a minute to honor the 200 journalists killed in the line of work since the last Radio Days. Twenty seven of them have died in the … Continue reading Radio Days Europe, Dublin, 2014