Winter Brings Frost and Whales
December 14 was the first real day of winter in Sitka. There was a light fall of snow and some hear frost on the branches. We had had stormy November type weather the day before but the 14th dawned with … Continue reading Winter Brings Frost and Whales

One Ocean, One World, One Health. Whale Fest 2018
There were two different worlds, the natural sciences and everyone else. At least that’s what it seemed like when I was in college more than half a century ago. The dean organized “Two Worlds” seminars to try to bring us … Continue reading One Ocean, One World, One Health. Whale Fest 2018

November’s Caprice
Yesterday I celebrated a gray (or grey) day on the water. Overnight the weather turned and today it was bright and the light the hour before the 4:06 sunset brought out all of Sitka’s autumnal glory that ended with a … Continue reading November’s Caprice

Celebration for a Grey Day
I have posted hundreds of pictures of Sitka in the sun, with vibrant blues and greens, but we live in a rain forest and in November the seas rise. Much of the music about the region have references to gray … Continue reading Celebration for a Grey Day

Whalefest Preview
Sometimes I wonder at the privilege I have living in Sitka. Two times of year are particularly wonderful. Spring brings great weather and the Music Festival as well as all the social activities that go along with that. As autumn … Continue reading Whalefest Preview

2X2L Calling CQ
84 years ago Radio came of age. In one terrible — beautiful hour the third rated program in a three network universe managed to entertain, terrify, and motivate millions of people by stimulating the imagination. If it happened today it … Continue reading 2X2L Calling CQ

2018 Alaska Day Parade — Tranche 3
Here is the third tranche of pictures from the Alaska Day Parade. There are three tranches of photos total In past years I have been more selective but many people asked “why isn’t my group, kid or spouse, in these … Continue reading 2018 Alaska Day Parade — Tranche 3

2018 Alaska Day Parade — Tranche 2
This is the second tranche of pictures from the Alaska Day Parade. There are three tranches of photos. In past years I have been more selective but many people asked “why isn’t my group, kid or spouse, in these pictures?” … Continue reading 2018 Alaska Day Parade — Tranche 2

Alaska Day Parade 2018
Today is our day. Alaska Day celebrates the transfer of Alaska from Russia to the United States 151 years ago on Castle Hill in Sitka. It’s a state holiday but for most of the state it is little more than … Continue reading Alaska Day Parade 2018

2018 Alaska Day Facebook Posts
I made several Facebook Posts on and around Alaska Day. I am collecting them on this blog page, with a few extra pics added. On the Sunday before Alaska Day I posted this: “Alaska day is well and truly launched. … Continue reading 2018 Alaska Day Facebook Posts

September Song
In an earlier post, September Turning, I posted pictures of September sunsets from my front deck. Here are some other pictures. The ones of the moon and the plane taking off were also taken from my deck, others were downtown … Continue reading September Song

September Turning.
On September 1 the sun sets at 286 degrees so can’t see sunset from my house but I can certainly see it’s affects from my deck. I can actually first see the sun set, that is go behind the north … Continue reading September Turning.

Silver Bay September
The last day of September was a great time to be out and about. In an earlier post I have pictures from Harbor Mountain. Earlier on Sunday I hiked a little along Silver Bay, the day before I also walked … Continue reading Silver Bay September

Harbor Mountain the Last Day of September
Sitka gets relatively little color at sea level. Some imported maples color out red, the mountain ash gets bright red berries and the alder give us some yellow but look up. The mountain sides that were green become gold, rust … Continue reading Harbor Mountain the Last Day of September

The City by the Bay and a 35 Foot Polar Bear Made From Smashed Car Hoods.
I’ve spent a lot of time in cities from Belgrade to London to New York, but last weekend in San Francisco I noticed things I’ve not seen in other cities. We were in San Francisco for a memorial service and … Continue reading The City by the Bay and a 35 Foot Polar Bear Made From Smashed Car Hoods.

Ding, Ding, Ding, a Ding, Ding, a Dinga Ding. Cable Cars and Other Delights.
We had a great time riding the cable cars in San Francisco. The California street cable car climbs Nob Hill, past China Town, the Mark Hopkins and Grace Cathedral. We rode it at night and the next day at dusk … Continue reading Ding, Ding, Ding, a Ding, Ding, a Dinga Ding. Cable Cars and Other Delights.

Overnight Aurora Sept 10 – 11
The University of Alaska told us that there was a magnetic storm coming. I started looking for aurora just after 10 PM on Sept 10. I watched and photographed the Aurora at Starrigavan. There were several people there, which was … Continue reading Overnight Aurora Sept 10 – 11

Two hundred and forty two years ago a resolution written by Thomas Jefferson and moved by John Adams passed the Continental Congress. It read, in part: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that … Continue reading JEFFERSON STILL LIVES !!!

June’s Over, but oh what a June!
Every June I know I am exactly where I should be, home in Sitka, enjoying the Sitka Summer Music Festival. At the end of every June I go over my Facebook Posts, and review some of the pics that didn’t … Continue reading June’s Over, but oh what a June!

Remember — It Could Be Us.
Around 150 Sitkans joined other people in other cities around the US in a “Families Belong Together” march. To be precise Suzi and I counted 147 people march past us while I was taking pictures. We met several more at … Continue reading Remember — It Could Be Us.

Everything Comes on the Ferry
Last weekend the Carnival came to Sitka. It seems more wholesome than the carnivals of my youth. Carnivals, as I remember them were a bit seedy, in an exciting way. The Golden Wheel is run by an Alaska family. Several … Continue reading Everything Comes on the Ferry

“Animal Nature.” Celebrating a Local Character
Everyone in Sitka has a story about our town veterinarian, Burgess Bauder. He is our town character. I mean when people come to town they wonder why our cars have bumper stickers reading “What Would Burgess Do?” On Saturday Sitka … Continue reading “Animal Nature.” Celebrating a Local Character

Coda – Around the World at 19 Miles an Hour…*
Actually it was a little less than 19 miles an hour, 18.9 mph or 16.4 knots as I reckon it. Nineteen miles an hour seems like a leisurely pace to circle the planet. But on a human scale it’s really … Continue reading Coda – Around the World at 19 Miles an Hour…*

S#it Happens — Re-entry
We were upgraded to first class on flight 67, Alaska Airline’s “milk run” up the coast to home. It seems like we knew every 4th person passing us getting on the plane. We had early boarding because Suzi broke her … Continue reading S#it Happens — Re-entry