Modernist Marc Chagall, cubist Jacques Villon, and tachist Roger Bissière are all there, mixed with art from the Gothic, Renaissance and Romantic periods. It’s the play of light on the works that I find so fascinating. They are the stained glass windows in St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Metz. Gothic does away with the need for structural walls, allowing artists to work in walls of glass. The cathedral soars with light coming through colored glass, creating shadows and shafts. Outside the light plays against the exposed structural members, the flying buttresses. At night the outside is floodlit to stunning effect.
Pictures from October 2001. Zoom in on the map at the top of the page for a good satellite view of the Cathedral.
Have you ever been to Bryn Athyn in PA?
I highly recommend it if you are back that way sometime and have a Saturday to visit. Check the web page for the museum – the Glencairn Museum
What part of Pennsylvania?
Been here. Amazing!