Fjords and Glaciers

It reminded me of my first trip on the Alaska Marine Highway’s MV Matanuska in 1973. They had not yet added stretched her and added the solarium. We were sitting in the forward observation lounge looking at fantastic scenery that would, over the next 50 plus years, become very familiar. Now we are in the Crow’s Nest of Volendam looking out at terrain like our home in Southeast Alaska, but yet somehow different, excited about seeing something new but yet feeling comfortable and familiar at the same time. The Volendam has an added plus, mocha with two shots of espresso and one shot of Bailey’s. We spent the better part of the two days between Puerto Chacabuco and Punta Arenas in the Crow’s Nest, with excursions outside to our balcony or to the bow to feel the chill of the glaciers.

This post is a gallery of pics looking out at the fjords and glaciers of Southern Patagonia. We arrived at the Brujo Glacier right at a misty sunrise.

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