If I Had More Time I Would Have Written A Shorter Letter.

As I edit pictures I have to make decisions. On the first round I delete obviously bad pictures. On the second round I pick the best from among near duplicates. Often I bracket shots at different exposures or with slightly different framing. On the third round I process the ones that look the best, and then I choose which ones go onto the blog.

Out of the thousands of exposures I winnow them down to about 30 per blog page. While I save many more of the good ones, I realize that I am really saying goodbye to them, except for the personal shots of Suzi, me and friends that go into a special fine. While many of them stay on a drive somewhere, probably in the cloud, the ones on the blog page remain on my computer in two forms, full resolution, and compressed for the web. These are the ones I will look at in the future. These are the ones (along with the personal file) that I will send to Suzi for her to put into a printable photo album. These are the ones from which I choose the few that will be in our family Christmas letter.

I couldn’t bring myself to winnowing the photos of day two to 30 or even 60 shots. So here is the third blog post from day two, the first was “Critters,” the second “The Type of Day You Live For” and there is this one. As I post them I remind myself of the luxury that digital photography affords. This would be, essentially, three rolls of Kodachrome, many more with bracketing, and an unaffordable number with the winnowing that I do. So I am indulging myself with this extra post. Thank you for indulging me by looking at them.

2 thoughts on “If I Had More Time I Would Have Written A Shorter Letter.

  1. These photos are beyond outstanding, absolutely over-the-top wonderful. So nice to revisit our Antartica cruises through your lense and writing. Thank you for taking the time in what I know are a busy few days for you, much appreciated.

  2. Thanks for taking the time to post these incredible pictures and write the blog.

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