…and Baseball!
When I was kid there were a lot of myths about Japanese Baseball that I later learned were not true, like the myth that they ran the based clockwise go give more advantage to right handers. Not true. On … Continue reading …and Baseball!

In Praise of Ramen!
After our son, Brian, graduated from college he and his roommate bought a house in South Minneapolis with the intention of fixing it up and flipping it. Halloween completely slipped their minds so when goblins started knocking they gave out … Continue reading In Praise of Ramen!

I stepped onto our balcony as we pulled into Hakodate. A group of school girls in white uniforms with sailor collars waved enthusiastically calling out “good morning mister.” I waved back and called out “ohayō.” They started jumping up and … Continue reading Hakodate

…and Bears, Oh My!
Gori was a Japanese student at Sitka’s Outer Coast College. We worked together to produce a radio program on the Japanese nature photographer Michio Hoshino who was killed in a bear mauling and was beloved in Alaska. I asked for … Continue reading …and Bears, Oh My!

A (Sea) Day in the Life
At breakfast this morning the omelette ladies asked me if I was excited about getting to Japan tomorrow. The proper answer, of course, is yes. But while interested in Japan, I love the sea days. One of the reasons we … Continue reading A (Sea) Day in the Life

Cruise Conundrum
Friday the 13th does not exist for me. It’s the day we cross the dateline, we move directly from the 12th to the 14th. To compensate we will have two October 12ths on the way back. A lost day at … Continue reading Cruise Conundrum

When I first started cruising, I suffered from FOMO, Fear of Missing Out. There was so much to do, I didn’t know where to start, but I wanted to get my money’s worth. Now I’ve relaxed a bit, I’m choosier … Continue reading FOMO and ROMO

Unalaska Photo Gallery
I started this blog to share photographs. When working in international media development I wrote weekly letters to family and friends. I asked then not to share them because I made observations that may, if publicized, compromise my work. But … Continue reading Unalaska Photo Gallery

Fresh Blueberries
A Coast Guard Cutter pulled rank and Westerdam had stand offshore and tender passengers into Dutch Harbor, the port for Unalaska. We disembarked at the Carl E. Moses small boat harbor. “Small” is a relative term in Alaska. The harbor … Continue reading Fresh Blueberries

Covering the Hubbard Glacier.
In 1986 the Hubbard Glacier was a circus and Raven Radio covered it. In May pressure from the Valorie Glacier, that feeds the Hubbard Glacier, Alaska’s biggest tidewater glacier, pushed the glacier forward. The glacier pushed the glacial till of … Continue reading Covering the Hubbard Glacier.

The Hubbard Glacier Speaks for Itself. (Become Ocean.)
The glacier is singing, at least if you like modern music. Alaska composer John Luther Adams won the Pulitzer Prize for Music with his symphonic composition “Become Ocean” about glaciers becoming part of the sea. It has been performed by … Continue reading The Hubbard Glacier Speaks for Itself. (Become Ocean.)

An Alaskan Ferry Tale
September 6, 2024, Sailing the Lynn Canal Haines is near the top of the Lyn Canal, a deep fjord created along a fault line. Deep both in depth below sea level and because it cuts deeply into the continent. Haines … Continue reading An Alaskan Ferry Tale

Eagle Intake
September 6, 2024 Some of our cruise mates balked at the $25 admission to the American Bald Eagle Foundation Natural History Museum and Raptor Center in Haines. The Sitka Raptor Center, which is larger and has more birds, is only … Continue reading Eagle Intake

Our Hailing Port
September 5, 2024. We know most people in Sitka, in the winter. But in the summer a whole new crop of newbies arrive in town. I don’t know as many of them. As we walk from Westerdam to the Sitka … Continue reading Our Hailing Port

Dark Passage
Wednesday, Sept 4, Calling today “Scenic Cruising the Inside Passage” was a bit of an oversell by Holland America. But time and tide… We left Vancouver after 3 PM to get to Seymour Narrows by half past midnight. I was … Continue reading Dark Passage

A Four Hour Coffee
Canada Place Cruise Terminal in Vancouver must be run by PHD Candidate Graduate Assistants conducting psychological tests. We are the rats in the maze. You go from one end to the other and back again, and on the return is … Continue reading A Four Hour Coffee

Georgia in Victoria
When I saw that there was a place in Victoria called “Abkhazi Gardens” I had to learn more. Abkhazia is a region of the Republic of Georgia that was invaded and is occupied by the Russians. I advised a radio … Continue reading Georgia in Victoria

And We’re Off!
Sept 1, 2024 I woke up this morning with a fever. I suspect it was a reaction to having gotten two shots yesterday, flu and COVID. So it was a slow start. The Norwegian line berths its ships right in … Continue reading And We’re Off!

Westerdam 2024 Legendary Japan.
View Post We are off again on a 53 day cruise from Seattle to Seattle via Alaska, Japan and Hawaii. The map, below, is updated from the one I first posted. 240830 How We Almost Outsmarted Ourselves. 240831 The Colonial … Continue reading Westerdam 2024 Legendary Japan.

The Colonial Office
Alaskan’s have a love hate relationship with Seattle. It is often the place we are medevacked to when we have an emergency. When we arrive, we feel like crap, but we leave healed. It is the home of Costco (well … Continue reading The Colonial Office

How We Almost Outsmarted Ourselves.
It’s common wisdom to arrive at your cruise port a day or two early. Our Japan cruise starts Sept 1, so we had planned to arrive Aug. 31 but after some fog in Southeast Alaska and what looked like a … Continue reading How We Almost Outsmarted Ourselves.

Sitka Shows Off.
On Thursday I had the pleasure of spending the afternoon with Rotarian Timothy Massawe from the Moshi Rotary Club in Tanzania. Our club is working with his to support a group of girls attending school. We do regular zooms with … Continue reading Sitka Shows Off.

Now it’s 16 Miles!
For the last several decades it has been a little over 14 miles from one end of Sitka’s road system to the other. Over the July 4th weekend that became a little under 16 miles as the first section of … Continue reading Now it’s 16 Miles!

248 Years Ago
(July 2, 2024, 248 years later.) On an unseasonably cool July 2, 1776, Richard Henry Lee moved a resolution, before the second Continental Congress, declaring independence for the 13 American colonies. To get unanimous agreement Congress made changes during the … Continue reading 248 Years Ago