When some folks first hear that Sitka has a farmer’s market they say, “I didn’t know Sitka had any farms.” Don’t expect to see big John Deere Tractors or long rows of soybeans in Sitka, but, historically, Sitka has had farms, including active dairy farms, and it does have people who have greenhouses, high tunnels, and vegetable patches. The Sitka Farmers’ Market grew out of the 2008 Sitka Health Summit. The Summit is an annual gathering where people decide to work on two problems in Sitka and solve them. The Local Foods Network is working to overcome the problem of food security on our remote island and to provide people with fresh produce.
The first market of the 2023 season was on July 1. There will be six more, this Saturday, July 15, also July 29, August 12, and 26, and September 9 and.23.
The first market had more limited produce selection that later markets this season will have, too early. Middle Island Farms had sold out by the time I got there around Noon and that table was empty. But there promises to be more for the next market. But still, think about getting there early.
And if it is not produce you are looking for you can find crafts, preserves and live music.

The Farmers’ Market is at the Alaska Native Brotherhood Heritage Hall on Katlian Street from 10 AM to 1 PM. The great Sitka summer continues.
There is a number drop. The next market is not the first but the fifteenth.