Water Light (Songlines)
March 7. 2020, Sydney Opera House Two years ago, we stumbled on Badu Gili, a projection of animated Australian aboriginal art onto one of the sets of sails on the Sydney Opera House. I found a flyer tucked into a … Continue reading Water Light (Songlines)

A Cultural Misunderstanding
March 4, 2020, Bay of Islands, New Zealand. After our ride with Geoff I checked out the boat tours of the island. Holland America offered such a tour in the morning; it costs about $80 and lasts for 2 hours. … Continue reading A Cultural Misunderstanding

A Town Character
March 4, 2020, Waitangi and Paihia, New Zealand Geoff, our cab driver is from Sheffield, England and still talks with a Yorkshire accent. It is tempered enough by the other places where he has lived to make it understandable, but … Continue reading A Town Character

A-Maze-In’ Auckland
March 3, 2020, Auckland, NZ Last time I was in Auckland, two years ago, the area along the waterfront and for a few blocks up Queen Street was torn up for renovation. Auckland is renovating its entire waterfront and we … Continue reading A-Maze-In’ Auckland

Where in the World are Suzi and Rich? — A New Game.
March 5, 2020, Sailing in the Coral Sea “Where are we going, I don’t know. Where are I headed I ain’t certain. All that I know is I am on my way.” Allen J Lerner and Fredrick Lowe from “Paint … Continue reading Where in the World are Suzi and Rich? — A New Game.

Wine Island
March 2, 2020, Waiheke Island, New Zealand It’ the soil and the climate, so says a brochure about Waiheke Island, about 40 minutes by fast ferry from Auckland. The soil is not fertile, but it is mineral rich. According to … Continue reading Wine Island

Stylin’ in New Zealand
March 2, 2020, Waiheke Island, New Zealand You don’t always need to go to Havana to see a car like this. I saw this beauty in the Thomas Batch winery parking lot on Waiheke Island, New Zealand. It’s a ’57 … Continue reading Stylin’ in New Zealand

We hear from the Elephant
The elephant in the room has finally spoken in the voice of Captain Jonathan Mercer. He gave his normal sail away announcement and then paid tribute to the medical staff who negotiated with the Tongan officials to let us land … Continue reading We hear from the Elephant

The Friendly Islands
February 28, 2020, Kingdom of Tonga. February 28, 2020, Kingdom of Tonga. I set the alarm for 7. It went off when my phone thought it was 7 but the ship’s clock thought it was 6. Ship’s clock wins but … Continue reading The Friendly Islands

Velvet waves on Ash Thursday
February 27, 2020, Sailing between the Cook Islands and Tonga. “There’s a sign over a bar saying ‘It’s 5 o’clock somewhere.’ Well it’s Wednesday somewhere.” That’s how Father Lew opened the service. Pastor Bruce added “Welcome to Ash Thursday.” The … Continue reading Velvet waves on Ash Thursday

What, No Lent?
Last night we celebrated Carnival, Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday; and then, with the tick of a second hand, Fat Tuesday flipped over to Thursday as we turn our clocks ahead 23 hours. Ash Wednesday is consumed by the International Date … Continue reading What, No Lent?

That’s Rarotonga…
… not Roto-Rooter February 24, 2020, Rarotonga, Cook Islands. A shipmate was asking the confused woman behind the excursion desk about tours on Roto-Rooter. Finally, the light went on, “You mean Rarotonga.” Now I can’t unhear it. Avarua is … Continue reading That’s Rarotonga…

Heaven or Hell?
February 22, 2020, Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia As a kid the legend was that Tahiti was supposed to be paradise on earth, it was sung about, movies were made about it and lots of ‘50s doo wop era motels on … Continue reading Heaven or Hell?

A Boatload of Christians…
…and a few Peus February 19, 2020, Off Pitcairn Island, South Pacific You can’t properly say we called on Pitcairn Island as much as Pitcairn Island called on us. With 1200 passengers it would be hard for Pitcairn, the last … Continue reading A Boatload of Christians…

Rapa Nui (Easter Island)
February 16, 2020, Sailing away form Rapa Nui (Easter Island) Chile Easter Island is not an easy place to visit on a ship. For the past 4 sea days most of the conversation was whether we would be able to … Continue reading Rapa Nui (Easter Island)

That BIG Elephant Over There*
February 13, 2020, At Sea A few days ago, we got an email from a friend contemplating a cruise and asking us how we thought the 2020 Coronavirus would affect their leaving from Singapore. Suzi explained that we are the … Continue reading That BIG Elephant Over There*

Too Many Pisco Sours.
February 11, 2020, Santiago, Chile. The shore lecturer said that there was not much to do in San Antonio, the container port for Chile’s capital Santiago, but there were a lot of tours that the cruise line offered to take … Continue reading Too Many Pisco Sours.

Parque Nacional Vincente Perez Rosales.
When we got to the Parque Nacional Vincente Perez after our taxi ride with Maurice we did what I love doing in Sitka National Park, we took a walk. Instead of along the coastline and through the spruce forest punctuated … Continue reading Parque Nacional Vincente Perez Rosales.

Muerto Montt
February 9. 2020, Puerto Montt, Chile Muerto Montt, Dead Montt, that is what Lonely Planet says the locals call Puerto Montt, our latest port of call. Lonely planet is not impressed. It claims there’s not much to see here. Generally, … Continue reading Muerto Montt

With Salmon We Are Fed Up
February 8, 2020, Northern Chilean Fjords off Melchior Island The taxi driver in Puerto Montt is using Google Translate to communicate. He is telling us what the people like to eat. “We like beef and dairy products, and with salmon … Continue reading With Salmon We Are Fed Up

From Innocence to Conception
February, 7, 2020, Innocence Island through Conception Canal to Trinidad Canal. Chile In the past 10 months I have had the fun of cruising fjords on 4 continents. At home in Alaska cruising the waters around Sitka and in Prince … Continue reading From Innocence to Conception

The Joy of the Moment
February 6, 2020 Punta Arenas, Chile Punta Arenas has seen better days. At least the Plaza Muñoz Gamero, has also seen better days. It’s the city’s main plaza with its statue of Ferdinand Magellan. In November a riot ran through … Continue reading The Joy of the Moment

Southern Sunsets
I have often raved about long, lingering Northern Sunsets. Same latitude, different hemisphere. Straits of Magellan, February 6, 2020, around 10 PM. First two port side, the other 4, starboard. You can’t miss. Continue reading Southern Sunsets

Sunset, Sunrise, Abandon Ship
February 6, 2020 Punta Arenas and the Straits of Magellan, Chile Sunset, Sunrise, Abandon Ship orBells and Whistles Redux. We didn’t get enough sleep last night. We stayed up to watch the sunset as we entered the Pacific from Beagle … Continue reading Sunset, Sunrise, Abandon Ship