Hawai’i Calling (Waikiki)
The lecturers on the ship spoke about how the mainland became interested, perhaps even obsessed with Hawaii. They mention Elvis and the movie “Blue Hawaii” where Elvis wore Aloha shirts and a Lei while playing a Ukulele. Of course there … Continue reading Hawai’i Calling (Waikiki)

Do You Take American Dollars?
As an Alaskan I have been asked that question by visitors from cruise ships more times than I can remember. I tried hard not to eye roll, and at one point carried novelty 22-dollar bills printed by an Alaska character … Continue reading Do You Take American Dollars?

Aloha Honolulu
240418 19 Aloha Honululu (Hello/Good by) The Captain told us it would be an early sail in to Honolulu. I looked at the map and the sight I wanted to see was on the starboard, we are on port, so … Continue reading Aloha Honolulu

Snowbirding Railway Cars.
For being so different in climate, location, and population Alaska and Hawaii have a lot in common. After all, Hawaii is one of the most isolated island groups in the world and the closest land to Hawaii is Alaska. We … Continue reading Snowbirding Railway Cars.

Kauai Sail in and Sail Out.
The captain told us he was opening the bow at sunrise so we could watch the scenic sail in at Nawiliwili bay. Looking at a map I saw that the best views would be on the port side, where we … Continue reading Kauai Sail in and Sail Out.

Pu’uhonua, Place of Refuge
The last time we were on the Kona Coast on the big island of Hawai’i, 45 years ago, most of the development was south of Kona airport. We rented a condo South of the airport and explored the coast with … Continue reading Pu’uhonua, Place of Refuge

Kona’s Painted Church
Kona is a tender port, and it is also the port for re-entry into the United States. That means that everyone must have a “face to face” meeting with immigrations officials. The officials are shuttled to the ship and set … Continue reading Kona’s Painted Church

Gold Medal Tourists
Back in 1999 we took my mother on a Mediterranean cruise on Norwegian America’s Vistafjord, part of the Cunard group. Before Pop died, they had cruised a few times on Norwegian American and mom was invited to a ceremony where … Continue reading Gold Medal Tourists

A Sea Interlude (Musical Decks)
Holland America used to be known for its evening classical music. On every cruise I’ve been on there has either been a group branded “adagio” that plays light classics (high class Central European Grand Café music) in the Explorer lounge, … Continue reading A Sea Interlude (Musical Decks)

Everything is Beautiful — Mazatlan
We arrived in Mazatlan at 7 AM the day after the eclipse. Suzi and I didn’t get off the ship until close to noon. The night before I had two zoom meetings, one with the Raven Board and one of … Continue reading Everything is Beautiful — Mazatlan

Eclipse Redux
After my eclipse post several people asked where we were when we took the pictures. I gave a general answer but yesterday the chief navigation officer came up to the “Crow’s Nest” and marked on a paper chart exactly where … Continue reading Eclipse Redux

The Final Cruise Coda of the Final Cruise Coda of the Final Cruise Coda for 2023. Honest.
When I started posting the 2024 Koningsdam Eclipse and Repositioning Cruise blog I got several questions from people asking how we finally ended up with our insurance claims from the 2023 Grand World Cruise. I also got questions about my … Continue reading The Final Cruise Coda of the Final Cruise Coda of the Final Cruise Coda for 2023. Honest.

Mexican Lawyers…
…are probably no worse than American lawyers but right now I am not happy with them. We had wanted to go snorkeling in Cabo St. Lucas, but the tour operator told us that there was an age limit of 75. … Continue reading Mexican Lawyers…

San Diego Sailout
Unlike Fort Lauderdale where the cruise terminals are in a port zone or Miami where they are on Dodge Island, or even New York where ships now leave from Red Hook in Brooklyn, San Diego’s pier is downtown, right at … Continue reading San Diego Sailout

Eclipse Bookends
I was too excited to sleep. Would the cloudy weather forecast for Mazatlan hold? Would the weather be the same out at sea? Would I miss an eclipse again? At about 5 AM, in order not to disturb Suzi with … Continue reading Eclipse Bookends

Solar Eclipse!
I am jumping this post in the queue because I think it will interest you more than our sail our or my post on Cabo. Those are coming. It’s an odd cruise when the climax comes on day three of … Continue reading Solar Eclipse!

More Neon than Gas lamps…
And more LEDs than either. The Gas Lamp quarter is an entertainment and restaurant district in San Diego. It’s close to the convention center and ballpark with a number of Victorian era buildings. One brochure says it’s noted for it’s … Continue reading More Neon than Gas lamps…

It Always Starts With the Milk Run.
The Extension of the Pacific Coast highway beyond Vancouver is Alaska Airlines’ “Milk Run.” (Ok there is the State Ferry but the Governor has line item vetoed it to the extent that it hardly counts.) Except during the three months … Continue reading It Always Starts With the Milk Run.

The Great Koningsdam Solar Eclipse and Repositioning Cruise.
Holland America calls it the Koningsdam Eclipse Cruise but I like to think of it as an elaborate repositioning cruise to get Koningsdam from San Diego where it did Hawaii and Mexico to Vancouver where it will originate Alaska Cruises. … Continue reading The Great Koningsdam Solar Eclipse and Repositioning Cruise.

Fly Free!
It used to be a regular event around Eastertide. But Sitka hasn’t seen it since 2019, the annual eagle release at the Alaska Raptor Center. The Center takes in injured raptors, nurses to health those it can, and releases them … Continue reading Fly Free!

Fractals and Fractures, Potholes and Oxbows
Every time I fly across even half the continent, I wonder at how easy it is. OK, airplane travel isn’t exactly pleasant but compared to walking next to a covered wagon or even sitting on the wooden seat on a … Continue reading Fractals and Fractures, Potholes and Oxbows

Raven Radio is about to discover the meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything tomorrow Feb 19, (with apologies to Douglas Adams and Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe) when it turns 42. At just before 5 PM, Pacific Time, on … Continue reading “42”

“In the Zone”
You’re “In the Zone” when you see the “Dave Ray Avenue” sign. The street is a renamed portion of Franklin Ave. in St. Paul, honoring Minnesota folk and blues legend Dave “Snaker” Ray of Koerner, Ray and Glover. On our … Continue reading “In the Zone”