(June 30, 2023) OK, I was feeling a little down. It had been raining most of the day, which is not unusual for Southeast Alaska, it was a Friday night in June and there was no music festival concert. The … Continue reading Surprise!
(June 30, 2023) OK, I was feeling a little down. It had been raining most of the day, which is not unusual for Southeast Alaska, it was a Friday night in June and there was no music festival concert. The … Continue reading Surprise!
The little girl said a prayer over her fish before she released it into the Pacific Ocean. The baby coho, part of the Sitka Sound Science Center Hatchery class of 2023, had begun it two year Odyssey around the Pacific … Continue reading Swim Little Fishies, Swim.
Right now it is snowing, but it’s too warm for it to stick. Before that it was rain, hard rain and before that drizzle. It’s overcast with occasional bursts of sun through the clouds. It is 40 degrees but feels … Continue reading Herring Weather
It wasn’t raining. In mid August that’s a good thing if you are going out on a wildlife cruise. The last week has had the feeling of autumn, as the fireweed tops out and the leaves on the ground bush … Continue reading Late Summer Break
HAL CPP Platinum-33-State COI August 8, 2020 And just like that it’s fall. The skies are overcast and even though sunset is still late, a little before 9 PM, it feels dark. We’ve had a good deal of rain this … Continue reading Recovery Fishing
When Michael Castellini, Dean of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Grad School, was a young scientist, his department chairs told him to stick with the research and never talk to reporters. ‘That is why we have public relations people, they’ll … Continue reading Mysteries of the Changing Seas, Sitka Whale Fest 2019
Tommy Joseph is an imaginative Tlingit carver. With my camera I documented his carving a house pole for the Interior Department two years ago. Since then he has done a canoe and a library pole for Petersburg with characters from … Continue reading It Rotates! – Tommy Joseph’s new Sculpture at the Sitka Sound Science Center
This weekend we were out on the water with the Sitka Whalefest. When we got off the Allen Marine boat on Saturday we wondered if it could get any better, with lunge feeding, bubble nets, a breach and whale bows … Continue reading Whales, Whales, Whales!
This is the second tranche of Earth Day, 2017 pics. The event is sponsored by the Sitka Conservation Society and the Sitka Sound Science Center. To look at the first tranche and read my commentary, please click here. Continue reading Earth Day, 2017, in Support of Science and Critters.
Sitka Whalefest has two wildlife cruises each year. This year we took both of them. According to Jan Straley there are 100 whales in Sitka Sound right now, bulking up for their 30 day swim to Hawaii and their mating … Continue reading Whales and Broken Clouds
For 20 years Sitka’s Whalefest has occupied our town during the first week on November. The festival is centered on a science symposium but integrates the performing arts, visual arts, education and outdoor adventure into a package that engages the … Continue reading 20th Sitka Whalefest.
It’s Sitka’s annual “Parade of Species” so it must be Earth Day. Sponsored by the Sitka Conservation Society with help from Old Harbor Books, the Sitka Sound Science Center and the National Park Service kids (and adults) dress as their … Continue reading Earth Day 2016, the Parade of Species
“Tomorrow we are spawning salmon, do you want to come and take pictures.” I had never heard salmon be the object of the verb to spawn but I understood what August meant. So at 9 in the morning I was … Continue reading Spawning Day