Unalaska Photo Gallery

I started this blog to share photographs.  When working in international media development I wrote weekly letters to family and friends.  I asked then not to share them because I made observations that may, if publicized, compromise my work.  But I also wanted to share pictures.  So, I created this blog as a companion for the letters, but open to anyone.

I began to make comments in the blog about daily life that I thought would not compromise my work.  Then, after I retired (the first time) I combined my letters into the blog and it evolved into this blog that is a combination of pics and prose. 

This post harkens back to the original photo blog. It has pics from Unalaska that didn’t fit with the prose. Ones I want to share. 

The pictures are from the memorial park, the orthodox cemetery and of some World War II memorials.  As well as some general shots.

4 thoughts on “Unalaska Photo Gallery

  1. Thanks for your great blogs and pictures. Your ‘tours’ are a few cuts above what we ordinary visitors manage.

  2. In school, way back when, we were never taught that WWII actually came to the US, besides Pearl Harbor. It was only as an adult, when I started traveling, that I learned that we were invaded and occupied in the Aleutians.

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