Westerdam 2024 Legendary Japan.

We are off again on a 53 day cruise from Seattle to Seattle via Alaska, Japan and Hawaii. The map, below, is updated from the one I first posted.

240830 How We Almost Outsmarted Ourselves.

240831 The Colonial Office

240901 And We’re Off

240902 Georgia in Victoria

240903 A Four Hour Coffee

240904 Dark Passage

240905 Our Hailing Port

240906 Eagle Intake (Haines)

240906 An Alaskan Ferry Tale

240907 The Hubbard Glacier Speaks for Itself (Become Ocean)

230907 Covering the Hubbard Glacier

240910 Fresh Blueberries (Unalaska)

240910 Unalaska Photo Gallery

240910 FOMO and ROMO

240915 Cruise Conundrum

240915A (Sea) Day in the Life

3 thoughts on “Westerdam 2024 Legendary Japan.

  1. Keep us posted…I’ll miss you by just a few days..I’ll be in Sitka next week..
    Enjoy your trip..

  2. So fun to hear you are back at sea. Safe travels. So fun to read your Seattle commentary- lots of info I didn’t know!! Thank you.

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