Life on the Amazon, Belem Brazil
This is the second post from Belem, it is a continuation of the last post Delta Town, Belem Brazil. The first set of pictures are of boats on the river. This next gallery of photos is from our drive to … Continue reading Life on the Amazon, Belem Brazil

Delta Town, Belem, Brazil
January 13, 2020, Belem Brazil You could say the riverfront of Belem, Brazil has gone to seed but gone to spore is more accurate. Along the river old buildings, some must have been grand in their day, covered with Portuguese … Continue reading Delta Town, Belem, Brazil

Hotel in Hell, Devil’s Island
January 11, 2020 It was officially called Bange de Cayenne (Cayenne Penal Colony) or Bange. Informally it was tagged “the dry guillotine” because most of the 80,000 people sentenced there died before their sentence was up. Many of the rest … Continue reading Hotel in Hell, Devil’s Island

Sea Days, Sunsets and iPhones
My last two posts were from Dominica and St. Lucia. On each evening we sailed out of port at about 5 PM and did some scenic cruising along the coast of each island and were treated to beautiful sunsets and … Continue reading Sea Days, Sunsets and iPhones

Diamonds International. It must be the Caribbean
January 9, 2020 In Dominica the touts were obnoxious. We ran the gauntlet of operators trying to get us into their cab or boat. When I said “no”, politely, I got a somewhat cross “Why?” One driver followed us up … Continue reading Diamonds International. It must be the Caribbean

Riding Out the Storm, Dominica
Getting off Amsterdam in Roseau, Dominica, a steel band played calypso to the counterpoint groaning and rasping of the ship rising and falling against its fenders. Beyond the harborside soundscape you plunge into the real thing. A rich mix of … Continue reading Riding Out the Storm, Dominica

The Shadows are Wrong
We are just waking up and early risers are already walking their laps on the Promenade Deck just outside our window. But the shadows are wrong. By some convention everyone walks counter clockwise. (On our other world cruise, I tried … Continue reading The Shadows are Wrong

Which Amsterdam?
Pop and “Uncle” Ed, one of those honorary uncles who had been one of pop’s army buddies, built a cabin cruiser in Ed’s garage. It was a 16-footer made from a kit. They proudly trailered “The Laurel” to a marina … Continue reading Which Amsterdam?

2020 MS Amsterdam Grand World Voyage.
Tourists don’t know where they’ve been, travelers don’t know where they’re going. –Paul Theroux. If that’s the case everyone on the MS Amsterdam’s 2020 world cruise is a confirmed traveler. The first half of the cruise went pretty much as … Continue reading 2020 MS Amsterdam Grand World Voyage.

Too Excited to Sleep
It is navigational dawn. That means I can just make out the horizon. It’s 6:14 AM and I am too excited to sleep. I am watching a parade of Cruise Ships entering Port Everglades. Right now, I’m watching a Celebrity … Continue reading Too Excited to Sleep

“Higher Speed Rail” in America. (Drawbridge Up)
“High Speed Rail” is a relative term. In the EU to be called “High Speed” a train must be able to travel either 155 MPH (250 KPH) over purpose-built track or 125 MPH (200 KPH) over standard rail lines. The … Continue reading “Higher Speed Rail” in America. (Drawbridge Up)

2019 McClear Family Christmas Letter

“Let’s Go Fly!”
It used to be a tradition at Alaska Airlines, still may be, to put their best pilots on their most challenging runs. In the late ‘70s those included the Southeast Alaska “Milk Runs.” Wrangell and Petersburg had gravel strips on … Continue reading “Let’s Go Fly!”

Sitka Christmas Boat Parade, 2019
The first Christmas in Sitka, in a trailer park, Suzi looked out the window and saw brightly colored boats cruising by in the channel. Over the years the boat parade has ebbed and flowed with the economy and the weather. … Continue reading Sitka Christmas Boat Parade, 2019

Mysteries of the Changing Seas, Sitka Whale Fest 2019
When Michael Castellini, Dean of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Grad School, was a young scientist, his department chairs told him to stick with the research and never talk to reporters. ‘That is why we have public relations people, they’ll … Continue reading Mysteries of the Changing Seas, Sitka Whale Fest 2019

Rotary Scenery
Saturday Sitka’s Rotary sponsored a wildlife cruise. On the preceding blog post you can read my comments on the day and the viewing. This page is all about scenery, including a picture on one of the fresh landslides we saw … Continue reading Rotary Scenery

Rotary Wildlife
Rotary lucked out. Planning a fundraising cruise in October is an iffy thing when you consider the weather. Rotary’s cruise on Saturday had interesting weather in that it was sunny with fog beginning to settle in. You looked one way … Continue reading Rotary Wildlife

Reconciliation Day
At 2 PM the Tlingit community held a Mourning and Reconciliation ceremony at the base of Noow Tlein, (Castle Hill) On the top of the hill was the “Reenactment” of the transfer with the Russian flag lowered and the US … Continue reading Reconciliation Day

Alaska Day Parade, 2019, Take Two.
The bagpipers have returned to Seattle, the beards and bonnets are judged, ball gowns are back on their hangers for another year and I am still digesting pie and donuts. I’m also getting around to sorting, processing and posting pics … Continue reading Alaska Day Parade, 2019, Take Two.

Alaska Day Parade, 2019
There is always food. On Problem Corner I promoted black cod tips at the Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association and the food booths and the hot dog stands opening, at 11 it was fish pie and fry bread at St. Michaels, … Continue reading Alaska Day Parade, 2019

Wailing at Whales
Sitka Historical Society 2019 Brew Cruise. It was weird, we were on an Allen Marine boat and the whales were playing all around us, and while some people took time to watch them most people were pre-occupied with beer, brats … Continue reading Wailing at Whales

These Boots Are Made for Running.
Sitka Sneakers! Here are some boot closeups from the 25th annual “Running of the Boots.” and a link to the main article. Continue reading These Boots Are Made for Running.

25th Annual Running of the Boots.
The last cruise ship, the Seaborne Sojourner, pulled out of old Sitka Docks this afternoon. The visitors were treated to rare late September sunshine. While a few straggling tourists will still come in on individual tours (and we are glad … Continue reading 25th Annual Running of the Boots.

We Will, We Will Rock You!
This blogpost started with a Facebook message from Joe Montagna. Joe is a musician and elementary school teacher who played the “Brian May” part in a Queen tribute organized by the Sitka Fine Arts Camp. I attended the Friday performance, … Continue reading We Will, We Will Rock You!